Why You Shouldn’t Fear Eclipses

Eclipses are often touted to coincide with dramatic events at both a global and personal level - the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the COVID pandemic, the stock market crash of 1929 and positively Einstein’s theory of relativity was confirmed on an eclipse. I’m not a doomsday prepper and firmly believe that the purpose of astrology is to help you navigate the waters of your life, including eclipse season.

According to Vedic tradition, eclipses are considered a disturbance of the natural order. Physically the light of one of the two luminaries, Sun or Moon, is blocked and symbolically either the soul or mind get obscured or highjacked by its shadow side. The truth of a situation can get obscured. We don’t know whether the astronomers could foresee eclipses or not, but today we certainly can predict them with precision. This, in itself, should dispel some of the mythic fear associated with them.

Eclipses are a function of the intersecting paths of the Sun, Moon and Earth. The Sanskrit names for the points on this path that cause eclipses are Rahu and Ketu – the shadow planets that only show themselves a few times a year. Rahu and Ketu carry a lot of karmic weight. Rahu, the protagonist in this next lunar eclipse, represents the seed of desire, particularly for things in the material world.

On 17/18 September 2024, Rahu, known for its insatiable appetite, will partially swallow the Moon. This eclipse takes place in sidereal Pisces, in the lunar zodiac sign of Purva Bhadra. The Moon shifts into oceanic Pisces just a few hours before the eclipse so it’s already feeling a little unstable in the tidal flow as it transitions between signs.

The Moon represents our emotional mind, subject to the ebb and flow of life, and the watery lens through which we experience everything. Rahu amplifies how we are already feeling, our desires and sensations are heightened. With all this going down in the Pisces ocean, Rahu can conjure up an emotional storm. It’s a good time to NOT act, being aware that the balance in decision-making may be off, particularly when it comes to matters of love, relationships, money and investments as Venus gets drawn into this eclipse line-up and is still debilitated in Virgo, while teetering on the cusp of signs.

Instead use the opportunity to meditate, dream, take a dip in the ocean, a sound bath or celestial trip with yoga nidra. The wise and benefic Jupiter offers us grace as co-ruler of Pisces and lording over the moon in Purva Bhadra. Purva Bhadra teaches us to be at peace within oneself, to lead life with no expectation of personal reward or glory. A Pisces moon wants to merge with universe, so use this eclipse energy to explore that sense of unity. Allow the break in the natural order to be your portal.

Vedic astrology doesn’t rely solely on transits to time events. Dependent on the exact placement of the Moon at birth, you get your own unique timeline of how the karma contained in your chart unfolds. That is to say, this eclipse, and everyone that follows, are not responsible for your life events. If there is already ripened karma linked to the precise placement of an eclipse it can bring it to fruition for better or worse.

How can we clear karma in a less dramatic fashion? The good news is there are great ways to dissolve karmic patterns, although they do typically require some effort. Remedies are based on your unique karmic patterns in your astrology chart and can include mantra, fasting, donations, service, gemstones and yoga, meditation, mudra or pranayama.  

Because Rahu is all about physical world desires, a remedy to appease Rahu in Pisces at this time could be contributing time or money to protecting the oceans or natural environment. Clean the beach, donate to Sea Shepherd or Greenpeace or your local ecowarriors. Utilising Rahu’s ambition in an unselfish way to improve the earth and seas for all adds to your good karma for this lifetime and the next.


The Karmic Axis & Mid-Life Crisis