astrology for the curious

Imagine if you knew the major life lessons you needed to learn to find inner peace?

A Vedic astrology reading provides clarity on the obstacles you keep on coming up against and ways to navigate a path forward.


It’s easy to dismiss astrology as unfounded woo-woo. And while I can’t explain metaphysically how the planets impact you, I can analyse your chart and you can decide its validity.

Perhaps you want to gain insight on how to best use your talents in the world or figure out why your relationships are so stressful? Whatever the question, you will come away with a deeper appreciation of your uniqueness and more self-compassion.

Your birth chart shows your life lessons – the unique karmas you will face - and how these are likely to play out. It can show whether it is through relationships or career or family or health that you will learn courage or humility or strength or boundaries or how that in solving the world’s problems you do not solve yourself…

Nothing can make up for the failure to understand and fulfil your soul’s reason for being.

I am a student of Pandit Sanjay Rath in the Vedic Tradition of Śrī Achyutānanda Dasa.


Vedic astrology is a sister science to yoga and it differs from western astrology in a few key ways:

  • It is mapped to the stars and looks at the actual constellations in the sky at the time of birth (sidereal zodiac) vs western astrology which fixes signs according to the sun only (tropical zodiac) and has fixed dates for each sign that don’t change. So, what you may currently know as your “sign”, can differ.

  • Vedic astrology readings emphasise the ascendant sign, that is the constellation on the eastern horizon at your time of birth which changes every 2 hours. And the Moon sign - as the emotional lens and senses are how we experience the world.

The Vedic astrology charts are a must. It gave me clarity and understanding of my strengths and areas that I need to be aware of, my purpose, answers to my past and the reasons behind what happened and future situations to be conscious of. Can’t thank her enough!
— Sue
Image of planets and a zodiac chart
vedic astrology birth chart reading

Birth Chart Reading

A birth chart reading shows the blessings and challenges one is likely to face, and the sphere of life most impacted by those lessons. There is an opportunity to explore more deeply in a specific area like health, relationships, career, money etc. Furthermore, you’ll get a sense of timing of life’s unfolding and some suggested “remedies” that can help alleviate the most challenging aspects you face.

When making a booking you need to provide:

Date, Place & Time of your birth. If you don’t know your time of birth let me know & I’ll request some additional info to determine an approximate time.

Length: 90 minutes (held on zoom & recorded so that you can revisit it)

Cost: A$ 117

vedic astrology solar lunar return reading

Ask the Stars a Question

Got a burning question you would like astrological insight on? Casting a chart of the moment reveals the true underlying issue that you’re seeking guidance on and an outlook that can help you navigate life, or at least be prepared for it.

When making a booking you need to:

Articulate your question as clearly as possible. Also, the more pressing and sincere the question, the more accurate the reading.

Length: 45 minutes (held on zoom & recorded so that you can revisit it)

Cost: A$ 77


Relocation Astrology

Have you noticed that you are drawn to certain places you visit, while in others you can’t wait to leave? The planetary pattern in your birth chart gets adjusted by location to see how you will experience alternative locations. Some places may be better for health or work or relationships than others. I can’t promise you the perfect life, so being clear on what matters to you most helps us narrow down fulfilling spots to reside.

When making a booking you need to provide:

1.Date, Place & Time of your birth.

2.Why you want to move

3.Possible places you’re interested in, if you already have something in mind.

Length: 45 minutes (held on zoom & recorded so that you can revisit it)

Cost: A$ 77

yoga pose parivrtta pascimottonasana

why not combine yoga & astrology

Want a yoga presciption for your chart?

From your birth chart I can see your physical and mental tendencies and create a yoga practice specifically designed to build your balance you and allow you to thrive.

For example, I have an ignited Aries ascendant, with Sun in Leo and layer upon layer of fire. Yoga prescription: Plenty of physical challenge but NO backbends. This pic is me in a deep forward-folded twist that matches my excess intensity and then dissipates it, leaving my body & mind quiet.

Get a birth chart reading (online) plus a private yoga class (in-person or online) for A$177 (10% saving).