Eclipses in the House of Windsor

A trail of eclipses run through the lineage of the British Royal Family – both Prince William and his wife Kate, Princess of Wales, are born exactly on eclipses. King Charles was born shortly after a lunar eclipse, his coronation ceremony on 6 May 2023 was also a lunar eclipse and his first marriage to Diana took place on the day of an eclipse. I’m not sure the Royals have a consulting astrologer.

Throne lineage

Eclipses in a birth chart are thought to give a fated or destined quality to life, which certainly rings true for the Royal Family. Charles, was born in the window of a lunar eclipse with the Moon, representing mother, being the carrier of the royalty. Next in line to the throne, Prince William’s was born on the day of a solar eclipse. The Sun which represents father, is the light body with a shadow being cast over it, so the pattern comes from the father’s side.

Our parents, and beyond that to past life impressions, are visible in a birth chart and they are aspects of life, read fate, that we have no choice over.  

What we do have choice over is our relationships, our chosen family. One of the primary uses of vedic astrology has always been for synastry – chart matching for likely compatibility between partners. So, it’s not surprising to see that William chose another eclipse baby as a life partner. Synastry places a lot of emphasis on the Moon, our emotional and sensory mind through which we experience the world. Both William and Kate have a Moon-Rahu conjunction in the mental air sign of Gemini. That is not to say the qualities of their emotions are the same, life is much more nuanced than that, but perhaps a mutual empathy.

I’ve been diving deep into relationship astrology recently, particularly how the karma of relationships unfolds often through multiple partnerships over time, how to clear unhealthy karmic patterns in this regard, and what planets and energies sustain a relationship. Of little real-world applicability, but fun to note, in Princess Kate’s chart the indicator of the nature of the family a partner comes from, and therefore the status of the partner themselves is the royal sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun which is tied to the tail of eclipse-causing Ketu!

Does this mean you will marry a prince if the indicator is in Leo? No, it’s all relative.

Some karma is imprinted at birth and some we create through our own actions this lifetime. It all plays out and we can do our best to navigate through the stars, with the opportunity to clear patterns and finally get out of the cycle playing on repeat.


Why You Shouldn’t Fear Eclipses