Why I Make You Count Your Breath in Yoga

“Expand your inhale to a count of 6”. If you’ve attended one of my yoga classes this will sound familiar. The rationale behind me instructing you to count the length of your breath is two-fold:

1. Breath ratio matters

Inhale vs exhale length gives a cue to your nervous system. If I want to energise and awaken you I usually ask you to deepen and lengthen your inhale, this has a stimulating effect on your body. This often transitions to an equal 1:1 ratio by the end of class which encourages grounding and stabilising.

If it’s calming and relaxing that you need, expect to extend the exhale. A longer exhale, particularly when accompanied with drawing your navel towards your spine at the same time stimulates the vagus nerve complex in the abdomen. The vagus nerve is key to our rest and digest functioning and stimulating it is a recognised treatment for treating medical conditions from epilepsy to depression.

  • Inhale > exhale = power up

  • Exhale > inhale = power down

  • Inhale = Exhale = stabilise energy


2. It gives your mind something to do

One of the primary aims of yoga is a one-pointed mind, free of distraction. Because I’m giving your brain a very specific and simple task, your concentration immediately narrows. The busy brain can stop juggling, your To-Do list disappears and there is nothing more than you on your mat with your breath.

Ready to give it a try? Take a few minutes to experience this with me…

Feel peaceful, calm and focused with just 6 minutes of considered breathing. Nothing to lose except your chaotic mind!


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