How Your Soul Significator Planet Influences Your Choices Without You Realising It

fulfillment comes from following your soul planet

What colour do you feel a strong affinity to? Maybe it’s your preferred colour to wear or decorate your home with? For me it’s green. I even got married in a green dress. I didn’t think anything of it until I learned about how the soul significator planet (called atmakaraka in Sanskrit) unconsciously defines your life.

Your soul planet is the planet in your birth chart with the highest number of degrees, regardless of what zodiac constellation it is placed in. It tells you the greatest gifts you need to master:

I have Mars as a soul planet – I’m as impatient as a hungry infant, but I really like to put my energy behind causes that I believe in = a non-violent/peaceful warrior. Prompted by a disgust for the financial advisory industry, I have previously run courses teaching women about investing and really how simple it is to navigate. I hated seeing so many women being taken advantage of and mislead by advisors that wanted to keep their clients in the dark and their own pockets full. And I currently volunteer as the Treasurer on the board of a non-profit organisation that lends money interest-free to people living on a low income that the banks aren’t interested in helping, leaving them at the mercy of predatory lenders. You get the picture: Peaceful warrior.

What is the link to affinity for green? Each planet is associated with a colour as shown in the table below (scroll over to light it up). Mars is a deep, opaque, blood red, Jupiter a vibrant yellow and white for the Moon etc. The eight possible soul significator planets are divided into pairs of opposites which seek each other out in an attempt to find balance in their own traits. For example, Mars matches off against Mercury and in order to tone down all the warrior energy I seek refuge in Mercury’s green.

How the planets are paired shows the underlying theme playing out. And we commonly move between both extremes on the given theme. People with Jupiter soul planets are born to teach, but will often be filled with doubt and avoid the role of teaching and guiding at all costs! Fulfilment comes from embracing our soul significator and learning to support it as we go through life’s lessons.

Book a Vedic astrology reading with me to explore more on your soul significator planet and the other life lessons in your birth chart.


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