The Accidental Queen?

Insights from Queen Elizabeth II’s Birth Chart

The recent passing of the monarch prompted a deep dive on her birth chart. And the big question: Was it an accident that she became queen or was it written in the stars?

 Elizabeth was born on 26 April 1926 at 2:40am in Victoria, England. A little background on the landscape of a birth chart:

  • The zodiac signs are numbered rather than named, with 1 = Aries, 2 = Taurus, 3 = Gemini, etc. 12 = Pisces

  • The top diamond, marked As, is the Ascendant/Rising sign, which is more important than the sun sign in Vedic astrology.

  • Each block is called a house and corresponds to a different aspect of one’s life as set out in accompanying diagram

The Queen was a Sagittarius (9) Ascendant, a lucky fire sign, ruled by the wise Jupiter. In her chart Jupiter, which is associated with abundance of all sorts, is placed in the house of family and wealth, showing the wealth she was born into. There are two other fire signs in the zodiac, Leo (5) and Aries (1). Sun-ruled Leo is associated with royalty and authority, after all the lion is queen/king of her/his domain. Leo (5) is in the house of life purpose and father, a natural fit for a monarch to be. And the Sun is exalted to its highest state in Aries (1) in the house of children – Charles was destined to become king according to his mother’s chart! So, the royal line flows from the father via Elizabeth to her first-born child.

The birth chart sets out much of the fixed karma we are born into and have no control over. We can see Elizabeth’s sister Margaret as the feminine Venus placed in the house of younger siblings (11). And it’s no surprise that she married someone foreign-born. Rahu (Ra) is a Sanskrit name for the north node of the Moon, and an indicator of foreignness. Prince Philip was born in Greece and gave up his titles as Prince of Greece and Denmark upon marrying Elizabeth.

What about career and public life? This next chart is a deep dive on her house of career.

The career is indicated by the diamond on the right marked 3 in this chart. 3 = Mercury ruled Gemini and Mercury has been sent to the house of service (11), so a public servant is indicated. And Jupiter, her Sagittarius ruler has taken up position in the public sphere (3) where it is joined by the Sun, a significator of royalty, authority and father, as well as Mars, the ruler of accidents! So accidental queen or destined by the stars?


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